100% truth. It’s so important to surround ourselves with people who have enough self-esteem to be vulnerable, because there IS strength in vulnerability. Yes, you must guard your heart above all else, but you must also be open to receiving love. Guard your heart but not your happiness. You can’t expect anyone to love you for you unless, you love YOU. Be yourself . And if you don’t know who you are yet then at least know who you are not. Someone can’t love what doesn’t exist within a person, so don’t pretend. There is a good chance you may get hurt, but there is always beauty in a broken heart because through experience you learn, you grow. You do better and become wiser. You can walk away knowing that you loved fearlessly, there’s powerful closure in that alone. Love is something that when shielded, it does not have a boomeranged effect. You don’t automatically get back what you put in. In life, we NEVER fear who we thought we loved but who we never tried (to love). #LifeIsBeautifulAlways