Progression: Love, Compassion, and Freedom

Everything happens for a reason and for that I am thankful. I have been really working on myself and trying to be the best person that I can be. No one is perfect and we should always embrace progression within ourselves. I don’t have all the answers and I don’t ever pretend to.

Knowledge is accessible to anyone and it is one of the very few luxuries that are free in life. Sometimes, some people chase things with price tags but it is the things which have no monetary value that are the most valuable, i.e. Love, Compassion, and Freedom.

I feel that if you can understand the true things of importance in life, happiness is inevitable.  I try not to focus on the bad things because I choose not to allow negativity to gain residency in my mind. I am a firm believer in the mind, body and soul ideology. Everything is connected. Negative Mind is a Negative Body, which is unsettling for the Soul.

As I said, I believe everything happens for a reason. God blessed me with an opportunity, an opportunity that I needed at that moment, on that day, during that time. This is something I had prayed on fiercely! It didn’t happen when I THOUGHT I really needed it, it happened when it was meant to happen.

That is what’s so interesting about life… We may think we need or want something, but it isn’t our time yet. You hear about people coming close to death and realizing it wasn’t their time. It’s no different with prayer, through not as drastic.

I’m humbled  by my blessings and I am praying daily for yours. When I am happy, I want everyone else to be happy. When I am sad, I want everyone else to be happy.

Happiness is free, remember that. Anyone who is selling you “happiness” at a price isn’t really offering happiness. The same goes with Love,  love is FREE and shouldn’t cost you. Love comes with obligations but shouldn’t come with contingencies.  Someone can’t sell you something to which you are already entitled. This current blessing has taught me that.

I can’t look back on the amount of time I spent in the “not knowing” era of my life, because then I am not putting my new found knowledge into action. No one is perfect, and we should always embrace progression within ourselves. I don’t have all the answers and I don’t ever pretend to.


Photo Credit (Jason Johnston)